Celebird Support Resources

Legacy PLA Process FLow

  1. Product Listing Ad Process Flow
    1. Items begin their journey on the Google Merchant Center Account.
      1. Items are submitted to Google Shopping -- typically using a feed.
      2. Items are checked against AdWords rules and quality policies.
      3. The website is checked against AdWords rules and quality policies.
      4. The Merchant-Center account is assumed to be linked to the AdWords account
    2. Items continue their journey on the linked Google AdWords Account.
      1. AdWords filters and product-targets attempt to match the item (attributes) within the feed.
      2. AdWords product-target bids are placed on the matched items.
      3. AdWords matched items, with bids and quality scores, are made available to compete in the Product-Listing-Ad auctions.
feed process flow diagram